GSB牙科 (韩国、首尔) 

  李眞行 牙医 (矫正)
      MCB技术及MCB 牙用夹首创者
    2021               Marquis Who's Who in the World.
    2020               Marquis  Who's Who in the World.
    2020               Wynn Who's Who in the World
    2019               Marquis Who's Who Top Doctor
    2017/2018    Marquis Who’s Who in the World
    2017/2018    Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
               2018    Industry leader with Marquis Who’s Who Top Professional Series.

Invisalign 隐适美正畸治疗超过 20 年

现在,仅矫正牙齿的 Invisalign 隐适美时代已经结束。
在 Invisalign 隐适美治疗期间,可以制定治疗计划来改善面部变形。
安装 Invisalign 隐适美装置后,扭曲的面部会向相反方向移动。



佩戴MCB牙用夹时 , 错位的头骨会向正确的位置移动,还会增强移动性。全身的骨头都可以通过佩戴装置得到运动,最后回到正常的位置。错位的骨骼矫正越多,身体的力量就会变得越大,体力也会增强。
在3D下颌骨的特定位置上佩戴上装置时,脑部的血液循环会变得通畅而平稳。MCB牙用夹也可以立即纠正肌肉变形。 我们在举办MCB夹板的研讨会时,做了详细的阐述。 帕金森氏症患者,在佩戴MCB牙用夹后,手抖的症状立刻得到改善,并且手指无法任意触碰其他手指的症状也得到了有效的改善。。


 什么是MCB( Mandibular Cranial Balancing)技术?

什么是MCB 牙用夹?

佩戴MCB 牙用夹 +ALF(Advanced Lightwire Functional)不做手术就可以治疗面部不对称
佩戴MCB 牙用夹可以得到头盖骨正骨疗法的疗效
effective not only for physiological but also for non-physiological strain pattern.

         MCB 牙用夹可以增强 PRM (第一呼吸系统) 。

         MCB 牙用夹可以到达 PRM自然矫正的效果。

         MCB 牙用夹可以改善头骨的血液循环。

         MCB 牙用夹可以重新组建神经系统

         MCB牙用夹可以改善运动神经障碍(Pyramidal tract./ Extrapyramidal tract)

         MCB牙可以改善Pterygoid Sling与均衡的头盖骨活Jaw Dental (Seoul, Korea)


12月7日 14:28 来自 微博
肌张力障碍 斜颈 手震 颈椎侧弯 脑雾 TMJD 神经痛 头痛 全身痛………这些病症的根本原因是什么?

Why MCB splint is needed for orthodontic treatment!
1. Protects teeth and jaw joint from clenching or bruxism at bedtime (MCB/L)
2. Good movement and motility of the skull are possible even at bedtime, and the whole body is relaxed by reducing harmful stimuli so that you can take a deep sleep. (MCB/L)
3. It is a device used at bedtime and during the day that increases the movement and motility of the skull, enabling rapid treatment of symptoms of the whole body.
4. When using MARPE, it increases the mobility of the skull so that the bilateral expansion of the maxilla is possible, so asymmetric facial treatment can be performed.
5. When using MARPE, it is easy to move to the front of the maxilla by increasing the mobility of the skull.
6. When using MARPE, it is easy to correct the roll yaw of the maxilla by increasing the mobility of the skull.
7. When two jaw surgery is required, it can be used in conjunction with MARPE/ALF to simplify double jaw surgery by securing a balanced position for non-operative areas such as sphenoid bone temporal bone occipital bone parietal bone frontal bone cheekbones, etc.
8. Reduce working and balancing interference by aligning the left and right centers of the upper and lower jaws and teeth.
9. Reduce protrusion interference by aligning the center of the upper and lower jaw and the anteroposterior center of the teeth.
10. By aligning the upper and lower jaw and the left and right centers of the teeth, the occlusal force can be transmitted to the long axis of the teeth in the molar area.
11. Orthodontic treatment is a means of holistic treatment to treat the whole body out of the aesthetic tooth arrangement.
12. Orthodontic treatment can improve brain function.
13. It helps to maintain a young face by reducing facial wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity during orthodontic treatment.
14. It is possible to change the position of the temporal bone and the lower jaw so that the fundamental jaw joint treatment is possible.
15. Orthodontic treatment can treat internal organ problems caused by brain nerve problems due to changes in normal motility of the skull.
16. After the end of orthodontic treatment, the skull can be occluded in the three-dimensional position of the lower jaw that normalizes the skull, so every time the teeth are occluded, the skull bones show good movement and you can enjoy a healthy life.
17.It prolongs life by normalizing the vagus nerve of the person working with the head bent (dentist).
18. Orthodontists become TOP DOCTOR because they can treat systemic problems such as dystonia, scoliosis, neuralgia, whole body twist, allergy, autonomic nervous system dysfunction while orthodontic treatment.



※. There are three types of MCB splint.

The first one is a disposable splint used for 10 minutes and is used in MCB technique. (B) The device duration is 10 minutes until the MCB splint 130 session. After that, it will create a new device after 1 hour.

The second one is a splint when sleeping.(A)

※ 正在申请注册专利(MCB splint)

 The third one is worn when sleeping or exercising , and it does not change and should be worn within 8hours.(Patent in Progress)

Korea, Japan(Patent) / USA, European Union, China (Patent in progress)

I became a journal editor.

Look Forward to Your Reply for the CODM-2021, Macao, China

 Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,
 t is our great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to join the World Congress of Oral & Dental Medicine(CODM-2021), which will be held during May11-14, 2021 in Macao, China. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would be honored to invite you to be a chair/speaker and give a speech in CODM-2021. If you have any new or other topics, please let me know

CODM is the pioneering event provides the best platform for dental professionals and oral heal specialists. It gathers participants around the world from varied fields with in dental and oral health to update knowledge, network, interact and generate business partnerships. Participants from all leading universities, hospitals, clinical research institutions, scientific alliance and diagnostic companies to exchange their depth of knowledge and share their research experiences on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field.

The CODM-2021 program will include plenary/keynote lectures and session talks as well as poster presentations under 7 major themes, mainly focused on Basic Dentistry, Oral Medicine, Dental Technologies, Clinical Practices, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Dental Biomaterials, Oral Health, etc. We certainly believe that CODM-2021 will provide a variety of opportunities to exchange ideas and expertise as well as network with worldwide research groups.


Following our Movement and Cognition conferences at Oxford University and at Harvard Medical School, we have the honor to invite you to the 2019 world conference on Movement and Cognition at Tel-Aviv University

Dear colleagues,

Following our Movement and Cognition conferences at Oxford University and at Harvard Medical School, we have the honor to invite you to the 2019 world conference on Movement and Cognitionat Tel-Aviv University.

The purpose of the conference is to share knowledge on the relation of human movement to cognitive function. Among the focus areas of the conference include applications for: Rehabilitation and therapeutics, sport, motor learning, brain-behavior relationships, gait and cognition, and dance. We are also focusing this time on female cognitive movement interaction, the aging brain and gerontology, treatment of traumatic brain injury, neonatal, infant and child development and ergonomics all in the context of movement and cognition.

The conference will be held on the campus of the University in the vibrant and fascinating city of Tel-Aviv between 22-24 July 2019. Besides the academic, scientific and clinical presentations, tours will also be available.

We welcome your participation in this conference. Should you, in addition, desire to present your research, unique technique or clinical experiences, kindly send us your abstract. This can be done by sending to the attention of the secretary of the scientific committee at: j***** The abstracts of the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings as well as selected papers published in volume 9 of the journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics

Dr. Jin Haeng Lee, Interested in Giving a Speech at World Convention of Aesthetic Medicine?

The 1st Annual World Convention of Aesthetic Medicine-2019

Time: Oct 11-13, 2019

Place: Dalian, China

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,

This is Miranda. Hope this email finds you well.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our delight to extend to you this Invitation to 1st Annual World Convention of Aesthetic Medicine-2019 which is going to be held during October 11-13, 2019 at Dalian, China. We sincerely invite you to attend this convention and deliver a talk in Stream 17 Oral Dental Caring Room ! If you are interested in attending WCAM, please send the talk title to me at your earliest.

Bookmark your dates for Dental Conferences 2019

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee�,


We, from Coalesce research Group& The University of Georgia would like to have your presence as a Speaker or Delegate at the "Global Summit on Dentistry and Integrated Medicine" to be held on October 16-18, 2019 at The University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia giving your views on the Theme "Future Vision of Dental and Oral Health Care"

Keynote Speaker Invitation at Future Dentistry 2019

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,

Greetings from Future Dentistry 2019.

The purpose of this letter is to invite you with honor to become an Keynote Speaker / Delegate for the upcoming Conference 25th American Dental Research & Future Dentistry which will be held during June 14-15, 2019 at Montreal, Canada

Invitation to Speak at Prosthodontics 2019

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,
In April 8-9, 2019 Conference series LLC is hosting 4th International Conference on Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry (Prosthodontics 2019), which will take place in the beautiful city Toronto, Canada. Since you have such great achievements in the field of Dentistry, we are glad to welcome you as a Speaker.

Your Research will have Immediate Global Impact - Dental 2018

Dear Dr.Jin Haeng Lee,


We take great pleasure in inviting you to the World Congress on Dental and Oral Health Conference. The conference is being held at Vancouver, CANADA from March 29th- 31st, 2018.

We are glad to invite Delegates, Students, Speakers, Poster Presenters, Organizing Committee Members (OCM), Moderators, Young researchers and Doctoral researchers. For more details regarding the conference, please review the descriptions on the website. It includes all of the details on the conference topics, professional development sessions, branding and promotions that are planned for these three days. I hope that you will attend many of these sessions, which will provide you to meet with professionals in your field

Dr.Jin Haeng Lee, Your Acknowledgement required towards American Dental Congress 2017

American Dental Congress 2017
September 18-20, 2017 Philadelphia, USA
"Exploring the possibilities in shaping the future of dental and oral health"
Meet world leading Dental & Healthcare professionals from 50 Countries & 5 Continents

Dear Dr.Jin Haeng Lee,

The purpose of this letter is to welcome you, to be a speaker at the upcoming "26th American Dental Congress" on September 18-20, 2017 Philadelphia, USA a leading forum for Dentists, Healthcare Physicians, Scientists, University faculty, Primary Healthcare and Community care Specialists, Public Health Specialists, Healthcare professional, to provide the ideal environment to disseminate and gain current knowledge in the area of Dental and Oral Health.


#颌关节 #颌关节软骨 #颌关节声音 #开口障碍 #颌关节痛症 #非手术面部不对称 #抽动障碍 #杜尔雷斯综合征 #肌肉紧张异常症 #斜颈 #3次神经痛 #颈部发僵 #帕金森 #软骨 #头痛 #自家免疫疾病 #纤维肌肉痛 #睡眠无呼吸症 #眩晕症 #眩气症 #偏头痛 #湿雪 #乱视 #耳鸣 #耳鸣 #移染 #乳突炎 #过敏 #梅尼埃尔综合征 #固有感觉异常 #共济失调症 #迷路炎 #关节骨关节炎 #运动知觉障碍 #三次神经痛症 #鼻子呼吸障碍 #慢性鼻道炎 #哮喘 #阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 #口呼吸 #发生障碍 #吞咽困难 #胸部肿瘤 #面部痛症 #症候群 #知觉异常症 #眼部不对称 #脑头盖骨问题 #耳部不对称 #颧骨不对称 #歪鼻子斜眼 #歪嘴 #一边倾斜的面部 #一边面部低成长 #唾液分泌障碍 #神经及认知问题 #荷尔蒙障碍 #颈椎关节炎 #颈部痛症 #颈椎的过度后倾状态 #肩膀痛症 #腕管综合症 #肩膀紧张 #驼背 #肿瘤 #肩胛骨翅膀骨 #肩胛骨痛症 #后背痛症 #脊椎侧弯 #腰椎间盘突出 #下部腰痛 #手足冰凉症 #手上无感觉 #身体扭曲 #肌肉骨不对称 #肩膀不对称 #胸部不对称 #腹部不对称 #呼吸问题 #肺压迫 #胸部呼吸 #用堵塞的横隔膜呼吸 #呼吸不足 #氧气不足 #脉频 #肋间痛症 #食管裂孔症 #食管炎 #腹痛 #溃疡 #肠胃问题 #胃炎 #胃酸过多 #饮食过敏 #酸痛 #肋骨左右持续的通政 #饮食过敏症 #反胃 #呕吐 #穿孔性痛症 #肋骨下部持续不舒适 #脊椎软骨 #痛症睡醒 #肌肉紧张 #不规则排便 #神经根病 #脊椎骨疼痛 #腰椎压迫 #腰椎裂孔 #腰部痛症 #便秘 #拉稀 #痔疮 #腹部膨涨 #骨盆扭曲 #骨盆不对称 #勃起功能障碍 #尿道问题 #尿不断的感觉 #前列腺问题 #臀部下部 #臀部痛症 #臀部问题 #髂腰肌痛症 #内收肌撕裂 #大腿微骨折 #骨关节磨损 #骨关节大腿部问题 #运动疝气 #大腿内部痛症 #瘸子 #四头股肌撕裂 #腿筋损伤 #一般肌肉骨骼受伤 #跛脚 #膝盖受伤 #半月软骨受损 #膝部韧带受损 #前方十字韧带受损 #后方十字韧带受损 #半月软骨破裂 #半月上软骨受损 #半月软骨骨折 #胫骨与小腿骨骨折 #容易受损 #静脉瘤 #피腿部疲劳 #血流问题 #血液停滞 #脚腕受损 #脚腕骨折 #交完扭曲 #一般担忧 #无理由不安 #心里不舒适 #不稳定 #强迫观念 #自杀冲动 #无理由恐惧 #心里动摇 #恐慌发作 #恐慌障碍 #痛苦 #无法预测的恐怖 #多汗症 #面部红斑 #恶寒 #失去意识的感觉 #软弱 #害怕死亡 #疯狂的恐惧 #强迫障碍 #季肋部疑病 #分离性障碍 #躁郁症 #忧郁症 #进食症 #过食症 #暴食症 #睡眠障碍 #失眠症 #不眠症 #压力
