
   Dr. Jinhaeng Lee ( 矯正医 )

      2021               Marquis Who's Who in the World.
      2020               Marquis Who's Who in the World.
      2020               Wynn Who's Who in the World
      2019               Marquis Who's Who Top Doctor
      2017/2018     Marquis Who’s Who in the World
      2017/2018      Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
      2018                 Industry leader with Marquis Who’s Who Top Professional Series.






MCBスプリントを装着すると、頭の骨の変位した骨が反対方向にゆっくりと移動し、可動性が向上します。 この動きは、肩から骨盤の足までの体のすべての部分で行われ、変位した体はバランスの取れた位置に復元されます。 間違った体がまっすぐであるほど、全身の力が増し、疲れが少なくなります。

下顎の特定の場所にMCBスプリントを装着するとすぐに、強力でバランスの取れた脳血液循環を感じることができます。 MCBスプリントは、装着後すぐに筋肉の歪みを修正できます。 上記のMCBスプリントに関するセミナーを開催しています。 パーキンソン病の患者の場合、MCB Splintを装着するとすぐに手の震えが止まり、以前は触れられなかった指に触れることができます。

参加したい場合は、prlgresss @ gmail.comに取得してください

If you want to participate, please acquire to 



   MCB スプリント?

      MCBスプリント+ALF(Advanced Lightwire Functioal)非手術顔面非対称(アシメトリー)治療

          effective not only for physiological but also for non-physiological strain pattern.

      MCBスプリントで運動神経障害(Pyramidal tract./ Extrapyramidal tract)。
      MCBスプリントでPterygoid Slingとバランスの取れた動き。

   特許権 進行中
     アメリカ, ヨーロッパ連合 , 中国 


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MCB添え木 は頭蓋骨の動きを改善し、両側のバランスの取れた動きを可能にします。これは硬膜の緊張を和らげ、脳の神経の問題を癒すことができます。

頭蓋骨の動きが良くなる3次元位置にMCB添え木 を作成すると、ねじれた頭蓋骨がねじれていない方向に動き始め、伸縮するだけの動きになります。下顎が左にねじれると側頭骨全体が右に移動し(逆もまた同様)、下顎が突き出ていると側頭骨が後方に移動し、下顎が後方に移動すると側頭骨が後方に移動します。前進します。 。同時に、肩、骨盤、脊椎、内臓もねじれていない方向に動きます。

MCB添え木 治療の最初のレベルは、デバイスの治療時間(10分)後、頭蓋骨が拡張および収縮しなくなり、頭蓋骨の歪みが以前よりも少し少なくなることです。この場合、デバイスを装着すると、装着していないときよりも動きが良くなります。ただし、歪んだ頭蓋骨が適切な位置に移動しないため、新しいデバイスを作成する必要があります。

MCB添え木 治療の第2レベルは、治療時間(10分)が経過した後にデバイスを装着すると、後頭骨の動きがより良くなることです。しかし、後頭骨では、ねじれ運動と良い運動が繰り返されます。

MCB添え木 治療の第3のレベルは、治療時間(10分)が経過した後にデバイスを装着すると、後頭骨の動きが歪むことがなくなり、良好な動きのみが現れることです。

MCB添え木 治療の第4レベルであるMCBスプリント治療では、デバイスの治療時間は1時間続きます。

MCB添え木 治療では、デバイスの治療時間(1時間)が経過した後にデバイスを装着したときの蝶形骨側頭骨後頭骨の以前の動きとは異なり、第5レベルは拡張と収縮のみを示します。


Why MCB splint is needed for orthodontic treatment!
1. Protects teeth and jaw joint from clenching or bruxism at bedtime (MCB/L)
2. Good movement and motility of the skull are possible even at bedtime, and the whole body is relaxed by reducing harmful stimuli so that you can take a deep sleep. (MCB/L)
3. It is a device used at bedtime and during the day that increases the movement and motility of the skull, enabling rapid treatment of symptoms of the whole body.
4. When using MARPE, it increases the mobility of the skull so that the bilateral expansion of the maxilla is possible, so asymmetric facial treatment can be performed.
5. When using MARPE, it is easy to move to the front of the maxilla by increasing the mobility of the skull.
6. When using MARPE, it is easy to correct the roll yaw of the maxilla by increasing the mobility of the skull.
7. When two jaw surgery is required, it can be used in conjunction with MARPE/ALF to simplify double jaw surgery by securing a balanced position for non-operative areas such as sphenoid bone temporal bone occipital bone parietal bone frontal bone cheekbones, etc.
8. Reduce working and balancing interference by aligning the left and right centers of the upper and lower jaws and teeth.
9. Reduce protrusion interference by aligning the center of the upper and lower jaw and the anteroposterior center of the teeth.
10. By aligning the upper and lower jaw and the left and right centers of the teeth, the occlusal force can be transmitted to the long axis of the teeth in the molar area.
11. Orthodontic treatment is a means of holistic treatment to treat the whole body out of the aesthetic tooth arrangement.
12. Orthodontic treatment can improve brain function.
13. It helps to maintain a young face by reducing facial wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity during orthodontic treatment.
14. It is possible to change the position of the temporal bone and the lower jaw so that the fundamental jaw joint treatment is possible.
15. Orthodontic treatment can treat internal organ problems caused by brain nerve problems due to changes in normal motility of the skull.
16. After the end of orthodontic treatment, the skull can be occluded in the three-dimensional position of the lower jaw that normalizes the skull, so every time the teeth are occluded, the skull bones show good movement and you can enjoy a healthy life.
17.It prolongs life by normalizing the vagus nerve of the person working with the head bent (dentist).
18. Orthodontists become TOP DOCTOR because they can treat systemic problems such as dystonia, scoliosis, neuralgia, whole body twist, allergy, autonomic nervous system dysfunction while orthodontic treatment.


※. There are three types of MCB splint.

The first one is a disposable splint used for 10 minutes and is used in MCB technique. (B) The device duration is 10 minutes until the MCB splint 130 session. After that, it will create a new device after 1 hour.

The second one is a splint when sleeping.(A)

 The third one is worn when sleeping or exercising , and it does not change and should be worn within 8hours.(Patent in Progress)

Korea, Japan(Patent) / USA, European Union, China (Patent in progress)

I became a journal editor.


Following our Movement and Cognition conferences at Oxford University and at Harvard Medical School, we have the honor to invite you to the 2019 world conference on Movement and Cognition at Tel-Aviv University

Dear colleagues,

Following our Movement and Cognition conferences at Oxford University and at Harvard Medical School, we have the honor to invite you to the 2019 world conference on Movement and Cognitionat Tel-Aviv University.

The purpose of the conference is to share knowledge on the relation of human movement to cognitive function. Among the focus areas of the conference include applications for: Rehabilitation and therapeutics, sport, motor learning, brain-behavior relationships, gait and cognition, and dance. We are also focusing this time on female cognitive movement interaction, the aging brain and gerontology, treatment of traumatic brain injury, neonatal, infant and child development and ergonomics all in the context of movement and cognition.

The conference will be held on the campus of the University in the vibrant and fascinating city of Tel-Aviv between 22-24 July 2019. Besides the academic, scientific and clinical presentations, tours will also be available.

We welcome your participation in this conference. Should you, in addition, desire to present your research, unique technique or clinical experiences, kindly send us your abstract. This can be done by sending to the attention of the secretary of the scientific committee at: j***** The abstracts of the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings as well as selected papers published in volume 9 of the journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics

Dr. Jin Haeng Lee, Interested in Giving a Speech at World Convention of Aesthetic Medicine?

The 1st Annual World Convention of Aesthetic Medicine-2019

Time: Oct 11-13, 2019

Place: Dalian, China
Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,

This is Miranda. Hope this email finds you well.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our delight to extend to you this Invitation to 1st Annual World Convention of Aesthetic Medicine-2019 which is going to be held during October 11-13, 2019 at Dalian, China. We sincerely invite you to attend this convention and deliver a talk in Stream 17 Oral Dental Caring Room ! If you are interested in attending WCAM, please send the talk title to me at your earliest.

Bookmark your dates for Dental Conferences 2019

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee�,


We, from Coalesce research Group& The University of Georgia would like to have your presence as a Speaker or Delegate at the "Global Summit on Dentistry and Integrated Medicine" to be held on October 16-18, 2019 at The University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia giving your views on the Theme "Future Vision of Dental and Oral Health Care"

Keynote Speaker Invitation at Future Dentistry 2019

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,

Greetings from Future Dentistry 2019.

The purpose of this letter is to invite you with honor to become an Keynote Speaker / Delegate for the upcoming Conference 25th American Dental Research & Future Dentistry which will be held during June 14-15, 2019 at Montreal, Canada

Invitation to Speak at Prosthodontics 2019

Dear Dr. Jin Haeng Lee,
In April 8-9, 2019 Conference series LLC is hosting 4th International Conference on Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry (Prosthodontics 2019), which will take place in the beautiful city Toronto, Canada. Since you have such great achievements in the field of Dentistry, we are glad to welcome you as a Speaker.

Your Research will have Immediate Global Impact - Dental 2018

Dear Dr.Jin Haeng Lee,


We take great pleasure in inviting you to the World Congress on Dental and Oral Health Conference. The conference is being held at Vancouver, CANADA from March 29th- 31st, 2018.

We are glad to invite Delegates, Students, Speakers, Poster Presenters, Organizing Committee Members (OCM), Moderators, Young researchers and Doctoral researchers. For more details regarding the conference, please review the descriptions on the website. It includes all of the details on the conference topics, professional development sessions, branding and promotions that are planned for these three days. I hope that you will attend many of these sessions, which will provide you to meet with professionals in your field

Dr.Jin Haeng Lee, Your Acknowledgement required towards American Dental Congress 2017

American Dental Congress 2017
September 18-20, 2017 Philadelphia, USA
"Exploring the possibilities in shaping the future of dental and oral health"
Meet world leading Dental & Healthcare professionals from 50 Countries & 5 Continents

Dear Dr.Jin Haeng Lee,

The purpose of this letter is to welcome you, to be a speaker at the upcoming "26th American Dental Congress" on September 18-20, 2017 Philadelphia, USA a leading forum for Dentists, Healthcare Physicians, Scientists, University faculty, Primary Healthcare and Community care Specialists, Public Health Specialists, Healthcare professional, to provide the ideal environment to disseminate and gain current knowledge in the area of Dental and Oral Health.

#顎関節#顎関節ディスク#顎関節音 #開口障害#顎関節の痛み #非手術顔面非対称#チック症 #トゥレット症候群 #筋緊張異常症 #斜頸#3次神経痛 #固い首#パーキンソン#ディスク#頭痛 #自己免疫疾患 #繊維筋肉痛 #睡眠時無呼吸症候群 #めまい#めまい#片頭痛#濡れ目#乱視 #耳鳴り #耳鳴 #耳炎 #乳樣突起炎#アレルギー #メニエール病#固有感覚異常#運動失調 #内耳炎 #關節丘関節炎 #運動知覚障害 #三叉神経痛#鼻呼吸障害#蓄膿症 #喘息 #閉塞性無呼吸#口呼吸#発声障害 #嚥下障害 #胸部にこぶ#顔面痛#線維束性収縮症候群 #知覚異常症 #目非対称 #脳頭蓋の問題 #耳非対称 #頬骨の非対称 #曲がった鼻 #曲がった口 #片方に崩れた顔 #片側の顔の低成長 #唾液分泌の障害#神経と認知の問題 #ホルモン障害 #頚椎関節炎 #首の痛み #頚椎の過度の後屈状態 #肩の痛み #手根管症候群 #肩の緊張 #脊椎後彎症 #こぶ#肩甲骨 #肩甲骨の痛み #背中の痛み #脊椎側弯症 #椎間板ヘルニア #下部の腰痛 #手足冷え症 #手の感覚がない #身体のずれ #筋骨格の非対称 #肩非対称 #胸非対称 #腹部非対称 #呼吸問題 #圧迫された肺#胸部呼吸 #詰まった横隔膜での呼吸の #呼吸不足 #酸素不足 #頻脈 #肋間の痛み #裂孔ヘルニア #食道炎 #胸焼け #潰瘍 #胃腸問題 #胃炎 #胃酸過多 #食物アレルギー #ビリビリした痛み #肋骨の右または左の持続通 #食べ物過敏症 #吐き気 #嘔吐 #穿孔性痛み #肋骨の下の継続的な不快感 #椎間板ヘルニア#痛みで目覚める #筋肉の緊張 #不規則な排便 #神経根障害 #つぶされた脊椎骨 #腰椎圧迫 #腰椎ヘルニア #腰痛 #便秘 #下痢 #痔 #お腹の浮腫み #ずれた骨盤 #骨盤のゆがみ #ED #尿管の問題 #排尿したい継続的な感じ #前立腺の問題 #お尻の下部 #お尻の痛み #お尻の問題 #腸腰筋の痛み #内転筋破れ #大腿骨頭の微細骨折 #股関節摩耗 #と股関節大腿部の問題 #スポーツヘルニア #太ももの内側の痛み #足の不自由な人 #四頭筋の破れ #ハムストリング損傷 #一般的な筋骨格の負傷#足の不自由 #膝の負傷#半月板の損傷 #膝の靭帯損傷 #前十字靭帯損傷 #後十字靭帯損傷 #半月板の破裂 #半月上軟膏の損傷 #半月板の骨折 #すねの骨と腓骨の骨折#損傷を受けやす #静脈瘤 #疲れた足 #血流の問題 #血液停滞 #足首損傷 #足首骨折 #足首のずれ#一般的な心配 #理由のない不安感#心理的不快感 #落ち着きできない #強迫観念 #自殺衝動#理由のない恐怖 #心理的な動揺#パニック発作#パニック障害#苦しみ #予測できない恐怖 #多汗症 #顔面紅潮 #冷え #意識を失う感じ #弱気 #死ぬ恐怖 #狂おしい恐怖 #強迫性障害 #心氣症 #離人症 #躁鬱症 #うつ病 #摂食障害 #過食症 #拒食症 #睡眠障害#寝苦しさ #不眠症 #ストレス
